Day: 25 August 2017

Ice solutions and entertainment: keep the customers coming back

Ice solutions and entertainment: keep the customers coming back entertainment ice solutions

We specialise in ice solutions for your business, but we know a thing or two about hospitality and retail as well. Ice and Beverage has supplied the likes of Earth ‘n Sea, Outback Jacks and lots of other shops. If you need some advice about how to keep your customers happy, we have some tips […]

The secret to getting the best ROI on frozen beverage systems

The secret to getting the best ROI on frozen beverage systems frozen beverage

Frozen beverages are the essential drinks for hot, sticky summers and cinemas everywhere. Some restaurants and cafes will have ‘slushie machines’ around their bar. In coastal areas they’re a popular place for kids to congregate for second helpings after a long day at the beach, especially when there’s free refills on offer. Restaurant owners and […]

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